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夜谷知识小课堂 -4- Did you know that...

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整理了一些大家可能已经遗忘了但是依然有趣的夜谷小知识。资料来源:Welcome to Night Vale past podcasts,Good Morning Night Vale,Welcome to Night Vale wiki,WTFacts-13 Non-Existant Facts About Night Vale。请勿私自转载,谢谢。


阿帕切追踪者的遗言是“好吧,好吧。我就知道这会发生。你可以拿走我的车。” The last words of the Apache Tracker translates to "Okay, okay. I knew this would happen. You can take my car."

夜谷女童子军能够获得四种勋章:自然生存,辐射免疫性,用意识控制植物,以及高级刀战技能。Night Vale Girl Scouts are able to earn four badges: Surviving in Nature, Radiation Immunity, Controlling Plants with Minds, and Advanced Knife Fighting Techniques. 

Cecil的外甥女Janice Carlsberg是夜谷女童子军出色的一员。Cecil's niece, Janice Carlsberg, is an excellent member of the Night Vale Girl Scouts. 

Janice有一把她为自己设计的潜行轮椅。Janice has a stealth wheelchair that she designed for herself.

Janice叫Carlos “Carlos叔叔”。Janice calls Carlos "uncle Carlos".

老奶奶Josie的全名是Josefina Ortiz,而她的女儿叫Alondra Ortiz。这两个名字以及Ortiz这个姓都来源于西班牙,那么老奶奶Josie也很有可能是西班牙人/西班牙裔。The full name of old woman Josie is Josefina Ortiz, while her daughter is named Alondra Ortiz. The two names as well as the surname "Ortiz" are all Spanish, so it is very possible that Old Woman Josie is Hispanic. 

Dana是社交媒体上一位夜谷粉丝的名字,(在不知情的情况下)让夜谷的制作者们意识到WTNV的成功后她的名字就被赋予给了一位实习生。Dana is the name of a Night Vale fan on social media who enlightened Night Vale producers on the increasing popularity of the podcast. They named an intern after her. 

Jeffery Cranor作为实习生在“鬼故事”里出现过。Jeffery Cranor appeared as an intern in "Ghost Stories".

Carlos在2013年底播出的“公寓”一集前做了咽喉手术,导致他的声音发生了变化。在现实中,他的配音演员从Jeffery Cranor换为了Dylan Marron。Carlos underwent throat surgery before the episode "Condos", causing his voice to change. In reality, his voice actor changed from Jeffery Cranor to Dylan Marron.

Cecil Baldwin和Cecil Palmer的穿衣品味几乎一样糟。Cecil Baldwin has a fashion taste almost as bad as Cecil Palmer's. 

[—1—] [—2—] [—夜谷居民外貌描述—] [—3—] [—Cecil特辑—] [—4—] [—5—]  


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